Metafile Companion keeps asking for registration info on 64-bit Windows (XP, Vista, 7)

Last Updated: 1/27/2010 Symptoms If you install Metafile Companion on the 64-bit version of Windows (XP, Vista or 7) and enter your registration information, the program continues to ask for your registrion information each time you start Metafile Companion. Cause Metafile Companion (like all well-behaved Windows programs) saves its program settings in the Windows Registry. [...]

By |2024-01-02T14:19:41-05:00August 2nd, 2010|Known Issues, Metafile Companion|0 Comments

Opening a picture with Greek and other Symbol font characters turns them into question marks (e.g. “????”)

Symptoms If a picture with Greek characters or other symbols from the Symbol font is opened in Metafile Companion, all the Symbol font characters turn into question marks (e.g. "????"). If the file is then saved, the Greek characters or other symbols are saved as question marks (and will appear as question marks if the [...]

By |2025-01-02T15:13:14-05:00April 15th, 2008|Known Issues, Metafile Companion|Comments Off on Opening a picture with Greek and other Symbol font characters turns them into question marks (e.g. “????”)

EMF Files Are Too Large

Symptoms When certain EMF files are read into Metafile Companion they appear too large with portions of the picture extending beyond the normal page area. (This is not a problem with EMF files created by Metafile Companion.) Cause EMF file sizing is based on the sizing of the current display. Windows reports the display resolution [...]

By |2024-01-02T14:19:45-05:00April 15th, 2008|Known Issues, Metafile Companion|0 Comments

Color buttons are all black when Windows 3D Objects Font Color is not black

Symptoms When running Metafile Companion, all the buttons on the Color toolbar are black, white or some other color. Cause Metafile Companion assumes that the Windows 3D Objects Font Color (i.e. the text color for 3D buttons) is always black. Work-around(s) Right-click in an empty area on the Windows desktop and select Properties. Select the [...]

By |2025-01-07T14:05:41-05:00April 15th, 2008|Known Issues, Metafile Companion|Comments Off on Color buttons are all black when Windows 3D Objects Font Color is not black

Rectangles and Ellipses Shift or Change Size

Symptoms When a metafile containing Rectangles or Ellipses is saved and then opened again these objects may be shifted or scaled by one picture unit. Cause The problem occurs because Windows metafiles primitives based on rectangles (e.g. Rectangles and Ellipses) are defined to include the top, left coordinate but not the bottom, right coordinate in [...]

By |2024-01-02T14:19:46-05:00April 15th, 2008|Known Issues, Metafile Companion|0 Comments

Can’t change line patterns for thick lines on Windows 95/98/Me

Symptoms Under Windows 95/98/Me, if you increase the thickness of patterned line, the line pattern buttons are disabled even though the patterned line is still displayed on the screen. Cause Windows 95/98/Me cannot display patterned lines for lines thicker than 1 device (screen) unit - Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista can. Under Windows 95/98/Me, Metafile Companion disables the [...]

By |2024-01-02T14:19:48-05:00April 15th, 2008|Known Issues, Metafile Companion|0 Comments

Floating toolbar buttons don’t change size properly

Symptoms When you select Tools, Options, Toolbars and change the setting of Large Buttons, the docked toolbars are resized correctly but the floating toobars are not. Cause Possibly a problem in the compiler toolbar code. Work-around(s) Click on the resizing border of the floating toolbox to have it redrawn at it's proper size, or Exit [...]

By |2024-01-02T14:19:49-05:00March 31st, 2008|Known Issues, Metafile Companion|0 Comments

“Failed to update the system registry” message on startup on limited user account

Symptoms When you try to start Metafile Companion (or any other OLE server Windows program built with an older version of the Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) library) on a "limited" (restricted) user account, the following warning message appears: Failed to update the system registry. Please try using REGEDIT. Cause There was a bug in code [...]

By |2024-01-02T14:19:50-05:00March 31st, 2008|Known Issues, Metafile Companion|0 Comments
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