How to List All License Keys for a User
To list all the license keys for a user, go to Host > SQL and enter a command like this:
SELECT * FROM cs_Licenses WHERE UserName=’username‘
This can be useful to see a license key after generating one (as shown above).
You can look up a user’s user name via Admin > User Accounts.
Metafile Companion Upgrade Checklist
When you upgrade Metafile Companion, make sure you:
- Review MetaComp.rc2, buildnum.h and MetaComp.ser files to see they have the correct version number (e.g.
- Update the Setup project Properties Window > Version to set to the three-number version (e.g. 1.4.0). Visual Studio will suggest that ProductCode be updated as well. Choose “Yes” to update ProductCode.
- Check in all files for build that are checked out.
- Label the source code in Perforce (e.g. “MetaComp_v1.4.0.7”).
- Update the Help file as appropriate using Help & Manual program and exporting CHM file for program and HTML User’s Guide for posting on the website.
- Compile the UsEngl Release build of the program.
- Bump up build number in BuildNum.h.
- Test the release candidate!
- Upload the installer (e.g. “Metafile Companion v1.4.0 Setup.msi”) to the “/Portals/0/Downloads” folder.
- Update the Metafile Companion Download / Upgrade page with the correct filename, URL and file size (in “Trouble Downloading?”).
- (optional) Rename old “/Products/MetafileCompanion/UsersGuide/” to “/Products/MetafileCompanion/UsersGuide_vX.x”.
- (optional) Upload User’s Guide HTML folder and rename to UsersGuide. (You may have to do the rename on the server itself.)
- Update the Version History page with a list of what’s been fixed.
- (optional) Update the Home page and/or Metafile Companion page to highlight any important new features.
- Tweet, email, Facebook, etc. about the new release as appropriate.